Friday, January 28, 2022

Sci-Fi Research

 The Genre

As I stated previously, the genre me and my group will be working in is Sci-Fi also known as "Science Fiction" the following is my research of the Sci-Fi genre.


A Sci-Fi film has many conventions. The most common ones is the Iconography, Characters, and Themes. The following is what I have found.


-High tech 
-Holographic Images
-The use of CGI or Special Effects
-Weapons of mass destruction like laser guns
-Teleportation Machines
-White Lab Coats
-High Tech Costumes
-Metal and shiny 


-Test Subjects
-Artificial Intelligence


-Paranormal Abilities
-New Discovery of planet or new species
-Time travel
-Space Travel
-Fear of unknown
-Realm out of present society's stereotypes 


The world around the protagonist is usually around the following:

-Space/ Planets
-Earth or Alternative version
-Parallel Universe
-Dystopian land
-Different Dimension


As the years past, the Sci-Fi genre has changed a lot. There is usually a male hero and a female hero but that seems fragile or weak. Like in the first film "Terminator" when the women are seemed as passive and insignificant while the male is powerful and goes on a journey. For the new “Terminator” film however where women are represented as bolder and more powerful than the previous “Terminator” film. This further proves that over time, Sci-Fi films have changed. Aliens and robots are represented as strong and the antagonist. They are also represented as emotionless but will fight back.

Intended Audience

There are no specific group of people that watch Sci-Fi films. Sci-Fi films age ranges from 25-40 years of age. For gender, mostly equal due to the fact that Sci-Fi films are known as for “geeks” so really anyone can enjoy a Sci-Fi film.


Sci-Fi films usually have there titles in a thin lettering in a encrypted type font. Usually have little to no lighting to give off a space/ alien feeling to the audience. There is also to a light to give off new life or new beginning. There's sometimes a dark shadowy planet to give a mystery for the island.


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